A tiny story

"The only way to find your voice is to use it."

Austin Kleon's quote appears from the endless store of resources I have. I squirrel stuff away, in hard copy and electronically, knowing I'll find a use for it one day. Austin from Austin. A Texan. A man who creates, regularly, without hesitation. He posts when it's good, he posts when it's not. He works at creativity. And then it comes to me - I'm creating a habit, a habit of creativity.

I'm inspired by this distant man, though distance is irrelevant in our new normal. It's a fresh start, and a vision board has taken over the glossy side of my pantry, in my line of view as I sit at the laptop. My quote - creating a habit, a habit of creativity - in the centre, surrounded by images and sayings and stickers and the best process for an apology. I ruminate, I wonder, I stare at the wall. 

Then it comes to me, the epiphany I'm waiting for, as I walk in the summer rain. It's time for a new blog. The other blogs - a decade in the making - sit in cyberspace. Finally printed, they are closed in my mind. 

This one will be different. I'm going to Steal Like An Artist, and add resources for celebrants. Or couples getting married. Or families who are looking for a reading at a funeral. Or parents of new babies. Or you. Songs, poems, interesting websites, books I've read. 

I want to create, and I want to curate. So come on in - these are our stories. 


  1. Bob Dylan unashamedly stands on the shoulders of his forebears and contemporaries. After all, once you have been "influenced", what is truly original?

  2. Exactly the point that Austin Kleon makes, Al! Thanks for reading. S.


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