Thursday afternoon gratitude

On a thoughtful Thursday afternoon, I am grateful for: 

A cat to pat
An afternoon nap
The Stuff Quiz - twice a day, or legitimate binge if I’ve missed a couple
My meditation stool (even though I rarely sit on it, I love the concept, the design, the form, the discipline)
My lemon lime dracenas … and all the babies I’ve propagated and gifted to friends and family
The Canon Prime 100mm macro lens, you will always be my favourite, I can love no other
Creating - even if it’s just lists like this (thank you Austin Kleon for the inspiration today)
Water - to drink, wash in, cook with, swim in, sprinkle on the garden
My Kindle Highlights, a library of the best bits and a source of inspiration for my ceremonies
Summer fruit, the stones robbed of all their succulent flesh




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