What's one thing you noticed?

It's been a rough 20 months I reflect, as we near the end of 2021. Me? Ups and downs, but nothing I can’t weather with good friends, my constant companion Skylla, and a little money in the bank. Others have done it hard, and my heart reaches out to them. Significant events for my own two sons, who have drawn on the resources they have to brilliantly manage the shituation. I am proud of them both, in only the intense way that parents are. Serious injury, the death of a pet, moving cities and of course, that which shall not be named.

It is raining this morning, after a hot, hot, hot day yesterday in the Bay. I welcome the rain, the dry soil thirstily drinking the nectar from the clouds above. The pied stilts in the wetlands are squawking, a handful of the chicks now heading towards adolescence, despite the odds and night-prowling felines.

My mate is coming to visit with his husband, and I’m elated. That’s why I chose to move, out of the rat race, swapping my two-beddy terrace for a house with room for guests. A house with view - lake view to the east, mountain view to the west, I am treated to sunrise and sunset magic.

They sit in their homes, cameras on, and I start the webinar. “I want you to think of one thing you’ve noticed this morning,” I instruct, “and note it down." I remind them that “breathing is your SUPER POWER!” and we practise the Five Finger technique, popular with kids.

As we explore the Five Ways to Well Being (you’ve got to love the way the Mental Health Foundation has made it so funky!), we go back to the notes they made earlier.

What’s one thing you noticed this morning, I ask. Their answers are soft, and kind, and full of humanity.

The beautiful weather when walking the dog this morning
Feeling the warmth from the sun off the windows as I opened the blinds
My two year old managed to put her shoes on the right feet :)
One of my plants that I planted a month ago had a flower on it this morning
Beautiful sunrise this morning, I stopped to appreciate it on my walk
My sunflower seeds have popped through
Sunshine and seeing my wife smiling :)
Gerbera has pretty pink flowers on it this morning
Sunshine :)
The beautiful day
Birds woke me up too early though
My beautiful white iceberg roses flowering
Flowers on the feijoa tree


Flowers on the feijoa tree - that’ll do folks, that’ll do.


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